While many disputes arise at personal or professional levels, there are many conflicts that happen on a day to day basis amongst varying numbers of population on issues that often do not or will not have the opportunity to be addressed in any Court of law or in any public platform of authority. Disputes that arise at this level often expand to conflicts that either result in stagnation of daily activities or turn into a violent conflict.
The aim of ICMCR is to partner with and assist Local Governments and Local Law Enforcements Agencies to allow us to work together with them and the local communities, their leaders and most importantly, victims and stakeholders so that we can encourage them for quick resolution of disputes and for avoiding large scale conflicts that either cause destruction or stop development and daily activities of any number of individuals.
Our Community Mediators work on a daily basis along with local governments, local self governments and law enforcement agencies on a regular basis to research, collate data and analyse potential disputes or sensitive issues that need to be dealt with by active communication and conflict resolution techniques to ensure community unity and keep peace alive. Our Community Mediators are not only trained to resolve disputes but are also equipped to analyse potentially volatile situations on such a large scale before they arise and provide steps for active dispute avoidance and conflict resolution.
The initial outreach of the project will be targeted in rural areas, sensitive areas, areas with higher number of community conflicts (such as on the basis of race, religion, caste, sect, regionality, language etc) and violent armed conflict areas.
Would you like to bring to our notice a conflict in the community that needs to be resolved?
Apply for Community Mediation